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HomeInternationalChinese influencer Feng Xiaoyi banned for ‘sissy’ look resurfaces with ‘manlier’ version...

Chinese influencer Feng Xiaoyi banned for ‘sissy’ look resurfaces with ‘manlier’ version – Singapore News

Asian male pop stars are known for their sleek, “soft masculine” looks. This trend is a concern as it fails to encourage China’s young men to become masculine and “uphold Chinese culture.”

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China ― Feng Xiaoyi, a Chinese influencer, was permanently banned from Douyin – China’s version of TikTok, for his style, following the authorities’ move against “sissy and effeminate” male celebrities.

The Chinese government announced early in September this year that broadcasters will have to “put an end to sissy men and other abnormal esthetics.”

The National Radio and TV Administration used the insulting term “niang pao,” meaning “girlie guns” in its announcement.

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Asian male pop stars are known for their sleek, “soft masculine” looks. This trend is a concern as it fails to encourage China’s young men to become masculine and “uphold Chinese culture.”

Under the initiative, Feng Xiaoyi, known for posting heavily filtered videos of himself dressed in fluffy jackets, was banned from Douyin permanently on Aug 24.

His account was taken down for “consistently putting on the image of being pitiful, publicising harmful content that encourages minors to donate money [to him], and having a negative effect on society,” according to 8 Days.

It was also revealed that netizens had reported the account to get it banned.

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A month after the account was taken down, Feng Xiaoyi reappeared with a different, more sombre video.

He also apologised for his past behaviour.

“I wish to apologise to everyone for my past actions. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have said those irresponsible words. Please, can everyone forgive me? I’ve truly learnt my lesson,” he said.

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Although he still donned the same fluffy headpiece, the influencer paired it with a black mask and toned down the filter level.

Chinese media also reported that Feng Xiaoyi posted another video featuring himself in a sports crew cut, wearing a military uniform.

However, his new account was also taken down, and his name is no longer searchable in Douyin. /TISG

Read related: “Sissy and effeminate men” now banned from Chinese TV

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