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HomeInternationalAirport official allegedly swallows passenger's $300 - Singapore News

Airport official allegedly swallows passenger's $300 – Singapore News

Another official seen handing her bottle of water to help her swallow what she had in her mouth

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PHILIPPINES: An airport worker in the Philippines was recently caught on security camera footage allegedly swallowing money from a traveller’s wallet.

The Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) in Manila has been getting much attention after security footage featuring an airport official was circulated online. The clip showed the Office for Transportation Security (OTS) worker allegedly stuffing money from a Chinese passenger’s wallet into her mouth.

According to reports, the money stolen amounted to P17,000 (US$300). In another video clip circulated, a passenger, said to be identified as Mr Cai was seen putting his bag on a tray in the security inspection area. The airport official inspected his bag and was caught on camera turning away while shoving something around her waist.

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The video also showed another officer attending the X-ray machine, handing the woman a water bottle. The woman was then seen stuffing something into her mouth, trying hard to swallow it by taking gulps of water. Reports also say that as the woman was doing so, her supervisor appeared to communicate with her. She also used a handkerchief to cover her mouth.

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In reports following the incident, the woman was said to have claimed that she was swallowing chocolate, not dollar bills. However, an anonymous source from the Office for Transportation Security (OTS) refuted her claim, saying what she was doing was “not the normal way to eat chocolate.”

As for the OTS head supervisor, he has denied having ordered the airport official to swallow the bills.

The Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary has called for action against those found guilty of working together to steal the passenger’s money.

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