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Flight forced to turn back after passenger suffers diarrhoea, captain reports "passenger diarrhoea all over aircraft – biohazard" – Singapore News

“It was a mess. The pilots made the right decision to turn around,” said one passenger while another said, “It was pretty bad. It was dribbled down the aisle, smelled horrible.”

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A Delta Airlines flight to Barcelona from Atlanta was forced to turn back because a passenger on board suffered a horrible diarrhoea. The captain’s recorded call summed it up: “It’s just a biohazard issue.“We had a passenger who had diarrhoea all the way through the plane, so they want us to come back to Atlanta.”

Thenewarea51 posted on X, the ‘new Twitter’ platform saying, “A Delta Airlines Airbus A350 turned around back to Atlanta Friday night because of diarrhea throughout the airplane from a passenger and it’s a biohazard.”

Approximately two hours into its scheduled 8-½-hour journey on a Friday evening, the flight’s pilots communicated to air traffic controllers their decision to reverse course and return to Atlanta.

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Thenewarea51 also shared a screenshot of a passenger who ‘tweeted’ asking what’s going on with flight DL194, saying, “@Delta any idea what’s going on with DL194? In flight for almost 2 hours and now heading back to Atlanta with my son on board.”

Thenewarea51’s tweet got attention, and some comments came from passengers on the same flight.

John Hurdt said: “Both my wife and I were on the flight. It was a mess. The pilots made the right decision to turn around. The ground crew ripped out the carpet and put new in. Considering the circumstances, the ground crew did a great job, along the attendants and the pilots.”

Dee W said: “My partner was on that flight! It was pretty bad. It was dribbled down the aisle, smelled horrible. The vanilla scented disinfectant used on it only made it smell like vanilla s***. After the plane landed, it was thoroughly cleaned. They didn’t leave until around 2:30 am

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“I saw a pic showing the aisle, it was literally down the “entire” aisle!” Thenewarea51 added.

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Despite the unusual challenge, Delta Airlines handled the unexpected turbulence with vanilla-scented resilience to help passengers suffer less throughout their ‘crappy’ situation.

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