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HomeIn the Hood'Did everything, still no action,' resident highlights flooding issue every time it...

'Did everything, still no action,' resident highlights flooding issue every time it rains – Singapore News

She said that every time it rained, their shared corridor would flood, regardless of rain volume.

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Singapore – A Housing and Development Board (HDB) resident has taken to social media to complain about a flooding issue, highlighting the lack of action despite several attempts of reporting the problem.

“Did everything. Reported to the town council with their personnel and also at the office. Waited a long time. Still no action,” wrote one Pearlyn Chan on Facebook page Complaint Singapore on Friday (Oct 1).

She said that every time it rained, their shared corridor would flood, regardless of rain volume.

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“Checked other floors, and they don’t have such issue,” she noted.

“The floor is not level, and the wall broke too cause long time under raining soak,” said the concerned resident.

In response to her post, members from the online community were quick to provide avenues for reaching the authorities and receiving prompt action.

“Send an official email to HDB or town council. If within three days no reply from them, bring the email to see MP (Member of Parliament),” suggested Facebook user Sudhesh Kumar, confirming that action would be taken through that approach.

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Meanwhile, others advised her to use the oneservice app as the respective authorities have been more responsive through that portal.

“I had an issue with high rise littering at my area, so I wrote an official email to the town council, copying HDB block manager and MP in-charge (search for the email on the HDB website or town council of your area),” said Facebook user Nur Shafiqah Ahmsam.

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“In the email, I also included all the reports I made via the oneservice app and images I was able to catch. Few weeks later, they pushed NEA (National Environment Agency) to install CCTV around the area to monitor.” /TISG

Read related: “Must wait until somebody die,” says netizen on killer litter issue at HDB

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