Tuesday, July 23, 2024
HomenewsLee Hsien Yang asks if the COP debate was an inquiry or...

Lee Hsien Yang asks if the COP debate was an inquiry or an inquisition – Singapore News

“The push towards prosecution of Pritam Singh and Faisal Manap is suspect, and a misuse of public resources. As for the sanctimonious speeches in Parliament – people who live in glass houses….” — Lee Hsien Yang

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Singapore — Sharing a Sonny Liew comic on Pritam Singh’s hearing before the Committee of Privileges (COP), Lee Hsien Yang asked if the latter was an “Inquiry or Inquisition”.

In a Facebook post on Thursday (Feb 17), the younger brother of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong wrote that the “conduct of the COP was extremely disturbing”.

He said that the clips of the COP debates gave him a “strong sense of deja vu” and added that “the push towards prosecution of Pritam Singh and Faisal Manap is suspect, and a misuse of public resources”.

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The younger Mr Lee called the speeches given in Parliament “sanctimonious”. They were given by Leader of the House Indranee Rajah, Janil Puthucheary, and Mr Lee’s own brother PM Lee.

The Parliamentary session on Tuesday (Feb 15) ended with Parliament agreeing with the COP’s recommendation and voting to fine former Workers’ Party MP Raeesah Khan S$35,000 for lying and abusing parliamentary privilege. WP’s Pritam Singh and Faisal Manap will be referred to the public prosecutor for possible criminal proceedings after Parliament votes on the COP’s recommendations.

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