Wednesday, July 24, 2024
HomenewsSG Red Cross pledges S$68K aid for Afghan earthquake victims - Singapore...

SG Red Cross pledges S$68K aid for Afghan earthquake victims – Singapore News

It will launch a fundraising campaign and work with Afghan charities

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SINGAPORE: The Singapore Red Cross (SRC) has announced a generous pledge of US$50,000 (S$68,400) to provide critical humanitarian aid and support to those affected by the devastating earthquakes that struck Herat, Afghanistan, over the weekend.

The dual earthquakes, both measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale, rocked Herat on Oct 7. The first quake struck at 11:11 AFT, followed by a second tremor 31 minutes later.

Tragically, these natural disasters have left a trail of devastation in their wake, with reports indicating at least 2,795 lives lost and nearly 2,000 individuals suffering injuries. Additionally, the United Nations has reported 516 people as missing.

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In response to this dire situation, the Singapore Red Cross is stepping forward with a multifaceted approach to assist the affected communities. The organization plans to launch a fundraising campaign in the coming days to bolster disaster relief efforts further. SRC will work closely with other Red Cross partners, collaborating with Afghan charities, to assist the affected areas.

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This aid will encompass evacuation support, first aid, the provision of temporary shelters, medical care, and essential supplies, all of which are crucial in mitigating the suffering caused by this catastrophe.

Mr Benjamin William, Secretary-General and Chief Executive of SRC, said, “We are deeply saddened by the loss of lives and injuries, as well as the damage to homes, property, and livelihoods, arising from this devastating earthquake. When we launch our fundraising appeal in the week ahead, I hope the people of Singapore will support us in bringing hope and help to the communities in Herat.”

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According to the World Health Organization, most casualties were women and children inside their homes when the buildings collapsed during the earthquakes. Most men were outdoors when the quakes occurred. The organization has estimated that 11,585 individuals have been affected by these disasters.

Adding to the immense challenges faced by the affected region, the earthquakes struck at a time when it was already grappling with numerous crises, including the displacement caused by decades of war, a prolonged drought, and a significant reduction in foreign aid following the Taliban’s takeover in 2021.

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The combined impact of these crises has placed enormous strain on the local population, making timely and substantial support from organizations like the Singapore Red Cross all the more crucial.

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