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HomeLifestyleActors Marcus Chin & Mark Lee get COVID-19 before CNY, had reunion...

Actors Marcus Chin & Mark Lee get COVID-19 before CNY, had reunion dinners alone – Singapore News

Mark Lee said that he missed their family reunion meal, joking that he ate his meal of plain porridge and eggs with preserved radish by himself while “facing the mirror”.

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Singapore — Mediacorp actors Marcus Chin and Mark Lee had to begin the Chinese New Year celebrations in isolation after testing positive for Covid-19.

The Best Bet actor, Chin, tested positive for Covid-19 on Jan 29, showing symptoms of mild fever, sore throat and cough.

He immediately isolated himself, hoping he would recover before a performance on Feb 3 on the third day of CNY.

Chinese newspaper Shin Min Daily News reported that Chin had dabao (take away food) for his reunion dinner.

Chin added he was fortunate he didn’t experience severe symptoms nor lose his sense of smell.

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It was also reported that Mark Lee, 53, contracted Covid-19 and tested positive for the virus on Jan 29 at around 6 pm.

Although he felt “alert” and did not have a fever, Lee experienced a slight cough and other cold-related symptoms.

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Shin Min Daily News reported that Lee, who plays Yang Bao Huang in Money No Enough II, isolated himself in a room away from family upon learning he was Covid-19 positive.

He also sanitised the area frequently, while his children only attended school after testing negative for the virus using an antigen rapid test (ART).

Lee said that he missed their family reunion meal, joking that he ate his meal of plain porridge and eggs with preserved radish by himself while “facing the mirror”.

He recovered a few days later and tested negative for Covid-19 on Feb 5. Lee noted that his isolation period was not difficult, similar to when he was quarantined after flying to Taiwan.

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Another Mediacorp actor, Richard Low, known for his work on The Return of the Condor Heroes, also contracted the virus.

Low got a check-up after experiencing a fever, sore throat, runny nose and cough on Jan 18, although he tested negative for Covid-19.

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He went to work on Jan 21 after taking some medication, noting he felt fine except for a sore throat.

Low was part of an advertisement project with Lee, Benz Hui, Patricia Mok, among other celebrities.

However, he felt unwell after the shooting and cancelled dinner plans to see the doctor.

He tested positive for Covid-19.

Low, 69, recovered just in time for CNY and was in the clear for the virus on Jan 27.

Low, who already received his booster jab, highlighted that his symptoms were mild compared to friends a year or two older than him but did not get their booster dose before getting infected with the virus. /TISG

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Read related: What’s in Paxlovid? Pfizer’s COVID treatment pill, now approved in Singapore

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