Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomenewsGirlfriend says she wants to split the cost of BTO flat equally...

Girlfriend says she wants to split the cost of BTO flat equally with her boyfriend but worries he won't have any savings – Singapore News

“I am worried about when we will be financially stable to start a family… I feel if this does not work out, I would be at a lost…” — Girlfriend

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A girlfriend who became worried about finances once she found out her boyfriend wanted to leave his high-paying job to pursue a Master’s degree took to social media asking others for advice. In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the girlfriend wrote: “Stuck in my rs”.

The 25-year-old girlfriend wrote that her 26-year-old boyfriend wanted to leave his high-paying job to pursue his Master’s degree for 3 years. The pair have been in a relationship for three years. She added that they had just gotten their BTO flat, which would be ready in four years’ time.

“However, although he has been working for the past 5 years, he has minimal savings in his bank, which he had some placed in investments and the rest spent away. He now also has to self-fund his masters studies, which I don’t know the exact amount but am sure its not small. He is still having concerns if he can have sufficient funds and might need to take up student loans for this”, she wrote.

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The girlfriend added that she was insecure because by the time her boyfriend graduated with his degree, it would be time for them to pay the full sum of their completed BTO flat and for renovations.

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“I am worried about our finances, since he does not have much savings and have spent most of them on his studies as well over the coming 3 years”. She wrote that though she had a lot of savings, she wanted to split the cost of their BTO equally to be fair.  She also voiced concerns about when they would be financially stable enough to start a family, “given the fact that we would have home bills to pay, he would be searching for a job in 3 years’ time and is not stable in his career yet, and me wanting to at least have a kid before 30 years old”.

The woman added that she felt that time was not on her side, and that if things did not work out, she would be at a loss. She also wrote that she was reconsidering their relationship.

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She asked others for advice on what to do.

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Here’s what they said:

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