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HomePropertySLA rents out 3A Goodwood Hill colonial bungalow in Orchard area -...

SLA rents out 3A Goodwood Hill colonial bungalow in Orchard area – Singapore News

SLA says about the bungalow: “Stepping into the interior, one would, however, be delighted by its elegant interior, which bears all the artistic hallmarks of these heritage properties.”

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SINGAPORE: Singapore, renowned for its modern skyscrapers and bustling city life, hides a charming secret – its historic black-and-white house. One of them is the colonial bungalow at 3A Goodwood Hill in the Orchard Area.

These bungalows, dating back to British colonial times before the 1940s, have been piquing the curiosity and interest of many.

The Singapore Land Authority (SLA) posted on Facebook about the unique layout of the colonial bungalow at 3A Goodwill Hill and says it’s open for rent.

SLA shared, “Stepping into the interior, one would, however, be delighted by its elegant interior, which bears all the artistic hallmarks of these heritage properties.”

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What it means living in a black-and-white house

Living in a black-and-white house in Singapore comes with its unique set of challenges. The tropical and humid climate demands rigorous maintenance, particularly for the wood-rich structures.

Renovation works must be approved by authorities, and the exterior appearance must adhere to the classic black-and-white look.

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The increased energy demands, especially for air-conditioning, are a consideration. While tenants can make interior changes, they must return the house to its original state at the end of their tenancy.

Inside 3A Goodwood Hill

Location: Off Stevens Road, near Orchard Road

Nestled in the heart of Singapore, 3A Goodwood Hill is a shining example of these black-and-white houses. While the exterior may seem unassuming with minimal decorative elements, step inside, and you’ll find a world of elegance that bears all the artistic hallmarks of these heritage properties.

The house boasts a generous land area of 42,291 square feet, with a spacious gross floor area of 3,035 square feet. What sets it apart is its non-symmetrical layout, a departure from the typical colonial bungalow design.

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The bathroom and kitchen have been thoughtfully upgraded and refurbished with modern fittings, likely the work of its previous tenant. A sheltered walkway adds to the charm, leading to another building within the compound.

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Neighbourhood of colonial bungalows

The vicinity surrounding 3A Goodwood Hill is home to a collection of colonial bungalows, each boasting its unique design elements. These houses, known for their rustic charm and connection to nature, attract tenants who appreciate a distinctive living experience.

Recent bidding results for a similar property in the Bukit Timah area, at 24 Mount Rosie Road were rented out for S$28,650, which only reflects the desirability of these historic homes.

The colonial bungalow has double the land area and two-and-a-half times the gross floor area.

Becoming a tenant

Interested in becoming a tenant of one of these charming black-and-white houses?

There are some criteria to meet. SLA suggests that a tenant’s average monthly income should be at least three times the offered rent. If not, SLA will assess the prospective tenant’s financial status.

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To apply, interested parties need to submit an application form along with supporting documents indicating their income, such as payslips, income tax statements, or employer letters.

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An application deposit equivalent to one month’s offered rent is also required. It’s important to note that this deposit may be forfeited if the highest bidder backs out after a closed bidding process.

If you secure the winning bid, be prepared to provide a security deposit equivalent to at least three months’ worth of rent.

Singapore’s black-and-white houses offer a unique blend of heritage and nature, attracting those who seek a distinctive living experience.

While they come with challenges, their historical charm and character are undeniable. If you’re looking for a home that stands out from the modern cityscape, these colonial bungalows might just be the answer.

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