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Heavy Rain Turns Formula 1 Concert Ground into Mud Pit, Ruining Premium Footwear for Attendees

Perhaps waterproof rain boots will be the fashion attire of choice at the next Grand Prix.

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Nike Jordans were no match for the heavy rain during the Formula 1 Grand Prix concert at the Padang stage, which turned the ground into a “muddy situation”.

Videos of the venue went viral on TikTok, with concertgoers passing through the area cautiously and unable to party to their hearts’ content.

A TikTok user showed their feet were “stuck to the ground,” preventing them from raving or else they would be jumping in muddy puddles.

A woman in an orange shirt fell victim to the mud splatter caused by her sandals as she walked.

“PSA to all: don’t wear elite shoes, light-coloured clothing and long bottoms,” the TikTok user added.

Another video showed Hermes sandals going through “mud therapy.”

“Before y’all come at me, I didn’t expect the place to be so muddy, and before I left home, I was deciding between white shoes or these sandals. Either way, it’s gonna end up this way too,” said the TikTok user who didn’t expect the heavy rain.

A pair of Nike Jordans was also caught sacrificing themselves to help the wearer get across the grassy area. The patch of grass looked like an added obstacle course that visitors had to trudge through cautiously.

“Well, this became part of the fun, I guess. Maybe tonight they might add more platforms,” said the TikTok user.

Perhaps waterproof rain boots will be the fashion attire of choice at the next Grand Prix. /TISG

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