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Singapore-India maritime exercise ends – Singapore News

First held in 1994, the three-decade-old annual exercise kicked off with an opening ceremony on Sept 21, reported ANI.

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SINGAPORE: The Indian naval ships Ranvijay (a Rajput-class guided-missile destroyer) and Kavaratti (an anti-submarine warfare corvette), the submarine Sindhukesari and a long-range maritime patrol aircraft P8I participated in the 30th edition of the Singapore-India Maritime Bilateral Exercise (SIMBEX) in Singapore, the Ministry of Defence said in a statement.

The Indian ships that took part in the exercise are shown in the picture (above, courtesy Indian Navy).

First held in 1994, the three-decade-old annual exercise kicked off with an opening ceremony on Sept 21, reported ANI.

A joint standard operating procedure on submarine rescue was signed in the presence of the Indian High Commissioner and the Singapore Navy Fleet Commander.

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The exercise included a shore phase and a sea phase.

The Republic of Singapore Navy participants in the exercise “include two Formidable-class frigates RSS Stalwart and RSS Tenacious, both embarked with an S-70B naval helicopter, and a Victory-class missile corvette RSS Valour,” said Mindef on Sept 21. “The Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) is also participating in the exercise with a Fokker-50 maritime patrol aircraft and four F-15SG fighter aircraft,” it added. “For the first time, both navies are also deploying a submarine each for the exercise.”

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During the sea phase conducted from Sept 25 to 28, units of the Indian Navy along with RSS Stalwart, Valour, Victory, Tenacious, a submarine, a maritime patrol aircraft Fokker F-50 and fighter aircraft engaged in complex maritime exercises including advanced anti-submarine warfare, surface and air defence exercises as well as tactical manoeuvres and weapons firings, said Mindef./TISG

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