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HomeIntlS'pore’s increasing appetite for plant-based meat isn’t just about preference anymore, it's...

S'pore’s increasing appetite for plant-based meat isn’t just about preference anymore, it's also about saving the planet – Singapore News

Alternative meat options are a viable solution in reducing world hunger and the ecological impact of traditional livestock farming.

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Plant-based meat options are not a new concept. Food scientists from as early as the 19th century have been trying to use different protein-rich vegan ingredients like soy, peanuts, and wheat in items like burgers to satisfy vegans.

Today’s vegan menus have a higher goal, though. They not only have to please the vegan community but also come out as a viable contender to real meat so that they can please real meat lovers too.

Converting die-hard meat lovers can seem like a far-fetched idea. However, it is the need of the hour, as the popularity of plant-based meat isn’t just about preference anymore. It is about saving the planet too.

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According to research done by Blackbox Singapore, the traditional livestock system contributes to 14.5% of the Earth’s greenhouse emissions and takes up 45% of the planet’s land surface. This need for traditional meat sources is costing us our biospheres and damaging our environment beyond repair as we speak.

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Singapore’s Quick and Growing Adoption Of Alternative Meats

In addition to the above reasons, the COVID-19 pandemic has given a loud wake-up call to countries like Singapore that rely on other nations for 90% of their food needs. The Singaporean government has an uphill battle as they try to meet its goal of achieving 30% food sustainability by the year 2030.

This initiative has led Singapore to be quick about approving and supporting alternative meat-based startups, and the small island is all set to become a giant in the AgriFood Tech sector in Asia. According to research by Technavio – the estimated market value of food tech businesses in Asia is projected to reach US$12.75 billion by 2030 and Singapore will have a lot to contribute to this number.

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It is pretty apparent that the pandemic acted as a catalyst that thrust people towards being both health-conscious and climate-conscious. In the past few years, a number of shops and eateries have popped up across Singapore offering plant-based meat options.

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The island now has a lot of options for plant-based meat products and menu items at restaurants, and these diners and customers don’t just go ahead and get just any plant-based meat products, no. They demand products that are similar in taste and texture to real chicken and red meat.

Shandi Global and plant-based meat

One startup, Shandi Global is making a growing impact in this market as the only alternative meat supplier in the world with a 5 patented food technology that uses Non-GMO and all-natural ingredients such as chickpea protein, brown rice, quinoa, flax seeds, and coconut oil to develop their plant-based chicken meat products.

These products include patties, shreds, drumsticks, and pieces that can be used for restaurants and also by individual customers.

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Shandi has just secured its second round of seed funding and has opened up the largest manufacturing facility for plant-based chicken meat in Singapore. Shandi’s meat has 30% of the protein content of real chicken, with cooking properties that are strikingly similar to real chicken.

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Shandi is just a leading example in this space. There are also other start-ups in this space that are heavily investing in developing alternative meat options that taste and feel like real meat. Alternative meat options are a viable solution in reducing world hunger and the ecological impact of traditional livestock farming.

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The post Singapore’s Increasing Appetite For Plant-Based Meat Options appeared first on The Independent World News.

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