Wednesday, July 24, 2024
HomenewsNetizen says ‘married couples who don't want kids, please don't apply HDB,...

Netizen says ‘married couples who don't want kids, please don't apply HDB, give real families a chance at lower priced homes' – Singapore News

According to the netizen, this type of couple is “just bf/gf with a contract” who “are taking advantage of the system while getting huge perks with BTO and waiting for MOP then upgrade to make a killing, all the while with no intention of having children.”

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A Redditor social media user published an opinion that they knew would be an unpopular one—that a married couple should not get government subsidies for housing until they have their first child. 

According to u/Throwaway16_61, this type of couple is “just bf/gf with a contract” who “are taking advantage of the system while getting huge perks with BTO and waiting for MOP then upgrade to make a killing, all the while with no intention of having children.”

They added that these couples “are not contributing to our population” resulting in a low fertility rate and then Singapore has “to import more FT (foreign talent) to pick up the slack.”

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“Why should taxpayer subsidize these leeches to our society?” the Redditor asked.

He added that couples who can’t have children should avail of subsidized IVF, and then be given the HDB subsidy after five years if they still don’t get pregnant. 

But for those who don’t want to have children, the Reddit user wrote: “Please don’t apply HDB, give real families a chance at lower priced homes. For those who don’t want kids, HDB should just limit their choices to 2 or 3 room unit, when got first child, give U priority in the next BTO.”

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As can be expected, netizens had some strong reactions to the Redditor’s hot take.

Some, however, acknowledged that they made “a fair point.”


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