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Singaporean allegedly tried to use her body to reserve parking lot in JB, hurled vulgarities when asked to move – Singapore News

The victim later approached the shopping mall management and confirmed that people are not allowed to physically occupy parking spaces in place of vehicles.

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SINGAPORE: According to online media reports, a woman believed to be from Singapore acted aggressively in a shopping mall parking lot in Johor Bahru, using her body to physically reserve a parking spot. When locals asked her to give up her parking spot, she even allegedly used insulting words to curse the other person. The account was reported on the China Press website.

The Malaysian driver who asked the woman to move said the incident occurred on Sunday (27 Aug). The driver, also a woman, said she was about to park her car in the parking space when a woman suddenly blocked her.

The driver rolled down her car window and said she asked the other person in a friendly manner: “I want to park. Can you leave?” The other party replied that her car was coming and she wanted to park in this parking space.

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The female victim explained that her car arrived first and she should have left. Suddenly, the other party angrily scolded her for being rude and called her “babi” or “pig” in Malay. She also allegedly said: “Malaysians are so rude, no wonder you are not developed.”

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The female victim then saw a BMW car with a Singapore-registered license plate approaching the parking space. She later approached the shopping mall management and confirmed that people are not allowed to physically occupy parking spaces in place of vehicles.

The news report has caused an uproar in social media, but the Johor police have said that they have not received any reports relating to any such incident thus far.

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