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Maid's family gets Christmas gifts & staycation at 5-star hotel from her employer after their helper hadn’t seen her son for 3 years – Singapore News

The reunion between mother and son, after such a long time, was an emotional one, with the son running into his mother’s arms when they saw each other again. They were both in tears while they hugged…

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SINGAPORE — A little kindness can go a long way, but Ms Chen, a helper’s employer, went above and beyond. She invited her helper’s son and sister to a weeklong stay in her home, plus treated them to a night in a five-star hotel and showered the young man with gifts.

The helper had not seen her son for three years because of the restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Lianhe Zaobao reported that the reunion between mother and son, after such a long time, was an emotional one, with the son running into his mother’s arms when they saw each other again. They were both in tears while they hugged, the Chinese daily added.

The helper, Ms Arlene Castro, has worked for Ms Chen’s family for five years and helped take care of her employer’s parents-in-law, who have since passed away. Ms Castro, who hails from the Philippines, told Lianhe Zaobao that her employer, a 57-year-old bank clerk, spent a significant amount of money on her family for their holiday.

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And while Ms Castro paid for the airline tickets for her son and sister, Ms Chen treated them to a one-night stay in a five-star resort hotel and lunch at a seafood restaurant. In addition, the employer gifted her son, who will graduate from university next year, with clothes and shoes.

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Lianhe Zaobao noted that Ms Chen treats Ms Castro like part of the family. She said what she did for the helper was “no big deal,” telling Lianhe Zaobao, “it’s a rare opportunity for them to come to Singapore, of course we have to look after them.”

The trip to Singapore is also a graduation gift for the young man, his mum told Lianhe Zaobao. “My son is really happy. This is his first time in Singapore. This trip has also broadened his horizons and inspired him to work harder in the future,” Ms Castro said.

She added that the most important thing is for Ms Castro’s son to see that his mum has a good working environment where she is treated well. Ms Chen added, “Then he can feel assured and be fully focused on his studies when he returns to the Philippines.” /TISG

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