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Jamus Lim: Adoption should be a win-win-win process to help address issue of Singaporeans ‘not having enough babies’ – Singapore News

“Adoption should be a win-win-win process: biological parents who are unable to raise a child aren’t burdened; adoptive parents fulfill the dreams of parenthood; and a child gets a shot at life within a loving family.” — Jamus Lim

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In a Facebook post on Saturday (May 28), Workers’ Party Member of Parliament Jamus Lim addressed the topic of adoption, which he said “should be a win-win-win process” that would help address the issue of Singaporeans “not having enough babies.”

With the country’s fertility rate gone down over the past few decades, no wonder that fertility treatments are now subsidized, and adoption laws have been revised. Assoc Prof Lim wrote that he had recently spoken on the topic in Parliament concerning additional concerns on the adoption process, which he said had come about after “extensive discussions with adoptive parents, and those in the industry.”

“Adoption can raise fascinating philosophical questions, like the belief in blood-being-thicker-than-water. I’ve never agreed with this sentiment; after all, the person I’m closest to in this world (my wife) isn’t biologically related to me. But I love her all the same. Bonds are built by the investment of time, and shared experiences. Any forever parent will readily explain that they love their adopted kids unreservedly. So I believe that our laws should encourage such acts of love,” he wrote in his post.

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One of the issues he brought up is that after the pandemic, the process “had become drawn out,” which he said could “encourage complacency.”

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Another concern is that adoptive parents may not be able to access all the usual benefits that birth parents have, such as the possibility of buying health insurance for the child before completing the adoption process.

“Imagine taking a baby to A&E without coverage,” he wrote.

Assoc Prof Lim also raised issues concerning indefinite counselling for adoptive parents, which he deemed “unfair,” and what else can be done to “keep private adoption agencies accountable.”

“Adoption should be a win-win-win process: biological parents who are unable to raise a child aren’t burdened; adoptive parents fulfill the dreams of parenthood; and a child gets a shot at life within a loving family. Our country also wins, as we create more happy families and happy children that will be the next generation to fly our nation’s flag high, and carry our values into the future,” he added.

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