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"I try to keep my budget under the psychological barrier of $20" — Netizen asks Singaporeans how much they spend on meals and how to save – Singapore News

“What do you do to control your meal budget? If at all. Let’s hear your hacks, tips, tricks and combinations,” he added

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SINGAPORE: An online citizen who tries to keep to a S$20 daily food budget for eating out recently turned to Singaporeans for financial advice, asking them how much they spend on meals daily.

“How much do you spend on meals daily? What are some of your savings tips?” This was the question an online user asked Singaporeans in an online news forum for questions about anything related to Singapore. “Half serious question for those who eat out three meals a day,” the post read. “Working in town, I try to keep my budget under the psychological barrier of $20–no reason, I’m just cheap…but obviously the going is tough. Unless I eat Foodcourt toast set (and) 2x cai png, it’s still doable but those things are coming out of my ears.”

The netizen then asked for tips on managing one’s meal budget, asking, “What do you do to control your meal budget? If at all. Let’s hear your hacks, tips, tricks and combinations.”

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Singaporeans did not disappoint and came through with different solutions.

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Many comments revolved around one of two central ideas–meal prepping and cheaper F&B establishment options.

“5 bucks can get you a drink and chicken rice at (a) Hawker centre. (Times three) for breakfast lunch and dinner with some variation on food,” said one. “So potentially, (it) can be only 15 bucks per day or less if I am left alone.”

“Buy 7-11 sandwich for lunch,” another suggested. “Chinatown hawkers have cheap food (too) by the way if you want a good and cheap dinner.”

Several users spoke highly of meal prepping and how much money it saves them. “Daily buy bread for breakfast, make coffee at home, or in the office,” one said.

“A banana and a boiled egg from home works (well) too,” said another.

“Not exactly what you’re asking but my lunch meal prep costs per week about $8 for four lunches,” said a third. “It’s balanced with what I want, protein, soluble fibre and leafy green. Takes about half an hour on a Sunday to prep and 5 minutes in the evening to put together.”

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Still, another wrote, “Depends on your lifestyle, I either fast or have a banana or two or a small cup of Meiji strawberry yogurt (4 for $2.85 at various supermarkets at the moment!) for breakfast, depending on the day of the week is a plate of chicken rice (and) more meat ($6) or pepper lunch ($8-13 depending on what I add or feel like eating) or YTF ($7-8) for lunch and dinner is usually daily cut ($14-$16) or my mum decides to cook for dinner. I spend/budget more on food as I feel it’s less (of a) hassle (and) convenient.”

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