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House Leader Indranee Rajah files motion in response to Hazel Poa’s motion to suspend S Iswaran – Singapore News

Calling on Singaporeans “to tune in to this important debate,” she added that Ms Indranee’s motion will be debated at the same time as her motion and that both she and fellow PSP NCMP Mr Leong Mun Wai will be responding to the House Leader’s motion

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SINGAPORE: After Progress Singapore Party’s Non-constituency Member of Parliament Hazel Poa filed a motion on Sept 7 to suspend Transport Minister S Iswaran, the NCMP posted over social media the response from House Leader Indranee Rajah.

It was announced on July 12 that Mr Iswaran, an MP for West Coast GRC since 2001, is being investigated by the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) and has been asked by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to take a leave of absence while the probe is ongoing.

“The Leader of the House, Ms Indranee Rajah, has filed a motion in response to my motion to suspend minister S Iswaran. Among other things, it calls on the House to resolve to consider the matter regarding minister S Iswaran when the outcome of the ongoing investigations against him is known,” the NCMP said in a social media post on Saturday morning, Sept 16.

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Ms Poa had said on Sept 12 that she would also be introducing a bill that would make sure the Transport minister would be reimbursed in the event that it is proven he committed no wrongdoing.

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Last month, PM Lee said that the Transport Minister was interdicted with a reduced pay of S$8,500 a month until further notice but is also still permitted to draw the yearly MP allowance of S$192,500.

Ms Poa posted screenshots of the House Leader’s motion, dated Sept 14.

Calling on Singaporeans “to tune in to this important debate,” she added that Ms Indranee’s motion will be debated at the same time as her motion and that both she and fellow PSP NCMP Mr Leong Mun Wai will be responding to the House Leader’s motion.

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“The Leader has also filed a motion to rearrange Parliamentary business such that my motion for leave to bring in a Private Member’s Bill will only be taken after the simultaneous debate on both the Leader’s motion and my motion. A motion for leave to bring in a Private Member’s Bill is normally taken right after Oral Questions, before any debates on the Second Reading of a bill or other business. The rearrangement of Parliamentary business will enable the House to consider all these matters at the same time,” she added.

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Parliament’s next sitting is on Tuesday, Sept 19. /TISG

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