Saturday, July 27, 2024
Homenews"Bro booked an entire meeting room just to try to get Taylor...

"Bro booked an entire meeting room just to try to get Taylor Swift tickets": SGAG Memes video goes viral, Swifties relate – Singapore News

A video of a Swiftie who allegedly took up an entire meeting room to try and bag tickets to Taylor Swift’s highly coveted The Eras Tour has gone viral, with millions of views. Taylor Swift fans totally understood the struggle, many of them urgently wanting to find out if the man actually got his tickets.

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SINGAPORE: A video of a Swiftie who allegedly took up an entire meeting room to try and bag tickets to Taylor Swift’s highly coveted The Eras Tour has gone viral, with millions of views. Taylor Swift fans totally understood the struggle, many of them urgently wanting to find out if the man actually got his tickets.

The TikTok account @sgag_memes posted a video back in July 7, featuring a Taylor Swift fan who went through hell and high water to try and get tickets to The Eras Tour. The international star’s sixth headlining tour has taken multiple countries by storm, with thousands making a beeline for the highly coveted tickets to her show. Many people have even booked flights and accommodations just to get the chance to see Taylor Swift perform live.

The 12-second video read “Bro booked an entire meeting room just to try to get Taylor Swift tickets.”

Hundreds of people, many of them fellow Swifties, took to the comments section of the post to applaud the man’s determination. “To the highest power, determination 1 billion/10,” as one put it. Another said, “It’s a WAR!!”

Still, others made jokes about the man in the video being the reason why so many people weren’t able to get tickets.

“You’re the reason I’m no. 1 million in the queue,” teased one, while another commented, “This is why everyone else running one single browser window couldn’t get tickets.”

A few even took their cue from the man, with one even tagging a friend saying, “We’ve got work to do.”

Besides praising the Swiftie’s efforts to get tickets and calling him a “true fan,” others were quite concerned about whether or not his efforts were rewarded.

As such, loads of people asked for an update in the comments, wondering if the Swiftie was successful. “Update? Did he get his tickets?” asked one. “And did he get the tickets?!” asked another.

Taylor Swift is set to perform at Singapore National Stadium on March 2, 3, and 4; as well as on March 7, 8, and 9 in 2024.

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