Wednesday, July 24, 2024
HomenewsS'poreans help settle medical bills of M'sian suffering brain rupture on 1st...

S'poreans help settle medical bills of M'sian suffering brain rupture on 1st day of work in SG – Singapore News

The campaign has garnered support from 748 generous individuals who have collectively donated $46,753 towards the S$107,149 target

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SINGAPORE: She was supposed to start a new job in Singapore, but on the first day of the job, 30-year-old Malaysian Celestine suddenly suffered a ruptured left cerebral aneurysm. The unexpected health crisis has left her family struggling with exorbitant medical bills exceeding S$100,000, prompting them to seek assistance through a crowdfunding campaign on Give.Asia.

Celestine’s sister, Yvonne, revealed in an emotional appeal on Give.Asia that Celestine had moved to Singapore at the end of 2022 for a promising job opportunity as a salesperson in a gold store. However, on the day she was supposed to start her new job, she mysteriously stopped all contact with her family and employer.

Concerned for her sister’s well-being, Yvonne finally located Celestine in her rented Sembawang HDB flat, where she was discovered unconscious amidst vomit on the floor. It is believed that Celestine had been unconscious for an extended period of several hours.

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Celestine was swiftly transported to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, where doctors diagnosed her with a life-threatening ruptured left cerebral aneurysm. Emergency surgery was performed to save her life, but her path to recovery has been arduous. She spent nearly two weeks in the intensive care unit, relying on machines for breathing support, unable to communicate fully, and initially unable to open her right eye. Even now, she remains partially immobilized and dependent on an endotracheal tube for breathing.

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Due to her inability to report to her new employer, her in-principle approval letter (IPA letter) and insurance plan was cancelled, leaving her to incur medical expenses as a foreign visitor in Singapore. These mounting costs have placed an overwhelming burden on Celestine’s family.

Yvonne initiated a fundraiser on Give.Asia to help cover Celestine’s medical bills. In less than a week, the campaign has garnered support from 748 generous individuals who have collectively donated $46,753 towards the S$107,149 target.

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In her heartfelt appeal on Give.Asia, Yvonne shared, “I stand before you today with a plea that comes from the depths of my heart. My sister, Celestine, 30 years old, is battling a devastating illness that has left our family in despair. Your support, no matter how small, can make a tremendous difference in my sister’s fight for recovery. Please, open your hearts and stand with us in this difficult time. Your kindness and generosity will be appreciated. Thank you.”

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All funds raised will be directly transferred to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital through Give.Asia to settle Celestine’s medical bills, giving her a chance to recover and reclaim her life. Visit this link to give to the campaign.

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