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HomeIn the HoodSoundproof window didn't help with noise pollution from company storing tiles at...

Soundproof window didn't help with noise pollution from company storing tiles at carpark tank room; HDB resident seeks advice – Singapore News

“As it has been going on for a couple of years, we thought installing soundproof windows would work. However, quite recently, it became loud and unbearable,” said the resident, noting the activities would happen even on Sundays.

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A Woodlands Avenue 5 resident posted concern on social media, noting that even soundproof windows could not lessen the noise from a company using a carpark tank room to store tiles.

“Dear community, would like to know if you have faced such a situation and (if) there are any solutions to mitigate the noise level generated from logistics,” wrote a Facebook page Complaint Singapore member on Saturday (April 2).

She noted that there were many “tile storing” activities at the generator and tank room of the Housing and Development Board (HDB) carpark at Block 358A Woodlands Avenue 5.

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“As it has been going on for a couple of years, we thought installing soundproof windows would work. However, quite recently, it became loud and unbearable,” said the resident, noting the activities would happen even on Sundays.

“The noise is affecting both me and my kids, especially I am working till late and trying to have proper sleep,” she added.

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The resident noted that they had already spoken to the contractor and requested to carry out their activities later in the morning or early evening; however, the contractor refused “and even shouted back at us to get lost.”

She asked in the post if others experienced something similar, or if there were solutions to the issue.

The woman also noted in a comment that they had already reported the incident to HDB and their town council, who responded that the situation was being monitored.

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Members from the online community quickly commented on the post, urging the concerned individual to report the incident to their Member of Parliament or the OneService application.

Meanwhile, others wondered how the individuals in the photo acquired the keys to unlock the door.

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Facebook user LH Tan advised the resident to report the incident from a different angle to make it sound more urgent.

“Report via OneService app. Word your feedback carefully so that it doesn’t get brushed off. If you complain it’s noisy, they will reply that they’re monitoring,” said the netizen.

“Suggest you feedback that you’ve observed contractors may be illegally using the generator room as a storage room, and there’s a potential fire hazard. Ask them if this is an approved change of use, and they’ll definitely have to look into it.” /TISG

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