Tuesday, July 23, 2024
HomenewsPigeon stool problem at Blocks 333 to 335 Kang Ching Road -...

Pigeon stool problem at Blocks 333 to 335 Kang Ching Road – Singapore News

“members of the public can play their part by not feeding pigeons.” — Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA)

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SINGAPORE: A Singaporean recently took to social media to express his frustration over an ongoing pigeon stool problem plaguing their residential area at blocks 333 to 335 Kang Ching Road. Despite repeated pleas to authorities, the problem persists, causing discomfort and raising questions about its resolution.

The concerned resident shared, “A serious pigeon stool problem at blocks 333 to 335 Kang Ching Road. This issue has been highlighted to the competent authorities many times but they are unable to resolve the issue. The estate just underwent a fresh coat of painting barely 2 to 3 months ago yet the facade is already covered with layers of bird stool. The drop off at the staircase is consistently covered with pigeon stool and you risk getting it on yourself if you choose to use that path.”

Highlighting the long-term effect of the issue, he added, “Imagine how thick the layer of bird stool will accumulate to be after a few years. What does it take to resolve this issue?”

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On social media, one user speculated that someone might be feeding the pigeons; he said, “Someone must have been feeding them.” It was echoed by another user named Vincent, who said, “alway got people like to feed them what to do ley”.

.u9e9c9dc657a4e67298b2486879beff3c { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #2980B9!important; text-decoration:none; } .u9e9c9dc657a4e67298b2486879beff3c:active, .u9e9c9dc657a4e67298b2486879beff3c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u9e9c9dc657a4e67298b2486879beff3c { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u9e9c9dc657a4e67298b2486879beff3c .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:#464646; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u9e9c9dc657a4e67298b2486879beff3c .postTitle { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u9e9c9dc657a4e67298b2486879beff3c:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } See also 'What's the point of giving you few dollars here & there, but so many policies & actions are inflationary?' — Netizen on Govt's response to inflation

Amid the frustration, another user suggested a practical solution: “Use Oneservice app to report it.”

Michael shared his experience, explaining, “My own experience, I took a photo of the pigeon feeder. Sent to town council, NEA and Npark. NEA said will look into it. Many moons gone by, that pigeon feeder still seen doing it. We are in no authority to confront and stop him.”

Yvonne added her account from Sembawang, saying, “Sembawang area also the same wrote in ,and they say they are still figuring out how to solve it. 1 mth already still the same.”

Acknowledging that the issue is happening throughout Singapore, another user said, “its all over singapore. i dont know why they like flying rats so much.”

According to Rentokil, “Pest birds such as pigeons are well known to carry a range of diseases and are hosts to other insect pests. Humans can also develop symptoms similar to influenza from the spores in bird droppings.”

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Diseases you can get from Pigeon Droppings

Pigeons can carry diseases that can seriously affect your health. It’s important to take action immediately if you notice a bird infestation to prevent health risks.

Salmonella: Found in pigeons or gull droppings, it can lead to Salmonellosis and Paratyphoid fever.Histoplasmosis: Caused by a fungus in pigeon droppings, inhaling it during cleaning can cause serious infections with high exposure.Ornithosis: This infection can be transmitted through dried droppings or the handling of feathers of infected pigeons.Bird mites: These are often present in nests and roosting areas. They primarily feed on bird blood but can also bite humans.

Brandie, a social media user, suggested, “Legalise pigeon trapping and this problem will go away. With all the f&b and meat veg sellers all jumping on the profiteering bandwagon I may have to turn to this abundant food source.”

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But will pigeon trapping work?

As mentioned in CNA’s commentary, culling through poisoning pigeons can harm unintended animals like dogs and cats, emphasizing the need for kinder and sustainable ways to handle urban wildlife.

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Apart from ethical concerns, these methods don’t work well in controlling pigeon numbers. Studies show the vacuum effect (unless all are trapped, the remaining pigeons will simply fill the vacuum) happens when pigeons are culled in one place.

More than that, pigeons breed quickly, making it hard to control their numbers even with culling.

Five years ago, the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) mentioned, “members of the public can play their part by not feeding pigeons.”

In addressing the ongoing pigeon stool problem, collaborative efforts between residents and authorities, alongside responsible behaviour like refraining from feeding pigeons, emerge as the key to a cleaner and more comfortable environment for all.

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