Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomenewsNigerian or Ghanaian? TikTok users debate over what the Singaporean accent sounds...

Nigerian or Ghanaian? TikTok users debate over what the Singaporean accent sounds more like – Singapore News

Singaporean woman happily agrees she sounds Nigerian

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SINGAPORE: In a TikTok viewed over 1.8 million times, a Nigerian woman asked, “Did you guys know that Nigerians and Singaporeans have the same accent?”

TikTok user Vee, who goes by onyinyechi.i on the platform, posted an 18-second clip on May 16, showing three Singaporean women speaking in a distinct accent.

“Did you just see that? Like are we related?” Vee asks.

A lot of people agreed with Vee in the comments section, including the third Singaporean woman in the video, Nicole Liel, who had an enthusiastic response to the clip.

“HELLO!!!!! Im from the 3rd vid and I CAN KINDA HEAR IT HAHAHAHAH,” she wrote.

Others were equally positive.

“I swear the second one even said her name is Tunmise,” wrote another commenter.

And when one TikTok user said she “can’t unheard it,” Vee readily agreed.

Others had questions about Singapore.

Other commenters, however, said that the Singaporean accent is more similar to the Ghanaian accent.

Here’s a sample Ghanaian accent for those who haven’t heard it yet.


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