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Discover National Day What to Do – Here are the top things to enjoy

May your celebration of Singapore’s National Day be another memorable one this year

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 The country celebrates National Day on Aug 9, and Singaporeans will be immersed in a fun and joyful atmosphere.  As the city buzzes with excitement, Singaporeans and visitors alike search for the best activities, wondering, “What to do on National Day?” 

To make the annual tradition memorable, here are some exciting activities to celebrate Singapore’s birthday with your family and friends. 


Take the chance to tour Raffles Place with the unique experience of audio tours. The tour process is simple – download this audio, keep a copy of the map, and start walking. The Heritage Audio Tour narrates the history of Raffles Place, discussing its transformation since the 1800s.

This activity covers five areas, starting from the Singapore River and then exploring the cultural evolution and architectural designs of Chulia Street. The tour will continue by having a deeper understanding of Raffles Place at Battery Road and embracing the charm of Collyer Quay. Finally, it will end at Market Street to discover more of Raffles Place’s modern architecture.

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Tim De Cotta and Carisa An-Yi Davies narrate the Heritage Tour. 

Furthermore, there is an Art Tour to learn about the wonderful works of art by talented artists locally and around the world surrounding Raffles Place. In this tour, the 11 stops will start in Raffles Place Park, then around the precinct from One Raffles Place to CapitaSpring, Ocean Financial Centre to Republic Plaza, and end at CapitaGreen. 

Make sure to bring your headphones to enjoy these audio tours. 


Book a yacht via Get Hooked SG to look at the mangrove swamp and experience the tranquillity of the islands on the northeast side of Singapore. More so, be ready to encounter wild animals on this tour as it takes you to Pulau Ubin, the only inhabited island of Singapore’s 63 islands. 

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After the whole day yacht journey, you may go to Smith Marine floating restaurant to enjoy a delicious meal. 

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If you are in for a more thrilling adventure, join the late-night cruise called Get Spooked and go to the northeastern islands of Singapore. Know more about the mystery of TJ Tajam Shrine and Sungai Puaka, and listen to the stories of narrators who first-hand experienced supernatural events. 

After the late-night adventure, enjoy lying under the stars.


Go fishing to the beautiful northern islands of Singapore with a yacht filled with like-minded people. Challenge yourself to capture a variety of fishes, and enjoy your stay on board with refreshments and live prawn baits. Get Hooked has experienced fishers who will share valuable tricks and tips if you are a starter.  

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Pororo Park Fireworks Display 

On National Day, bring your kids to Pororo Park and enjoy wonderful performances from Pororo and his friends from 6-9 pm. There will also be airbrush tattoos, balloon carvings, and more activities for children to enjoy. 

.uc4c5f2bf58dcc7d2d43d6d85060a54d4 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #2980B9!important; text-decoration:none; } .uc4c5f2bf58dcc7d2d43d6d85060a54d4:active, .uc4c5f2bf58dcc7d2d43d6d85060a54d4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .uc4c5f2bf58dcc7d2d43d6d85060a54d4 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .uc4c5f2bf58dcc7d2d43d6d85060a54d4 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:#464646; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .uc4c5f2bf58dcc7d2d43d6d85060a54d4 .postTitle { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .uc4c5f2bf58dcc7d2d43d6d85060a54d4:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } See also Actor Kai Ko says no one recognises him in Singapore

You may also gather with your loved ones and watch the live broadcast of the National Day Ceremony and enjoy the air show and fireworks display at the park’s outdoor terrace. 

May your celebration of Singapore’s National Day be another memorable one this year.

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