Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomenewsMan likely to be promoted wonders if he should leave his job...

Man likely to be promoted wonders if he should leave his job because he hates dealing with his boss – Singapore News

“… I’m also scared I will be more stress if I get promoted and can’t perform well (boss gets mood swing easily…). Seriously need an advise whether I should take on this opportunity or hop before he expects more from me”, the man asked.

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SINGAPORE: A 24-year-old man in line to receive a promotion at work wondered if he should stay or quit because he hated working with his boss.

In an anonymous post to Facebook page SGWhispers, the man wrote that he had been working in the company for over a year. “If I get promoted, it will be a different job role compared to the role I applied initially (which I’m not sure if I will like it) Not to mention, there will be higher expectations”, he added.

The man said that most of his colleagues had left about 6 months ago, leaving just him and his boss in the teal. He added that a new colleague was only set to join three months later. “I’m also covering things way above my supposed job scope which will help my transition easier if I were to get promoted. However, my boss is very hard to deal with especially when it comes to cost. He will also always except me to get alot of things done when I’m already overwhelmed. It’s really tough cause I don’t have much experience and don’t have anyone to guide me except him. Even though he’s willing to guide me, he don’t know the processes and it’s always easier said than done”, the man wrote.

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He added that he always felt mentally drained as he did not hate his work but hated dealing with his boss who made even the simplest things difficult.

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“I’m conflicted if I should leave as I know promotion is not easy but I’m also scared I will be more stress if I get promoted and can’t perform well (he gets mood swing easily…). Seriously need an advise whether I should take on this opportunity or hop before he expects more from me”, the man wrote.

Netizens who commented on the post were mixed. Some advised him to accept the promotion first while others said that they should seek employment elsewhere.

Here’s what they said:

Last year, a man who decided he could tolerate his boss no more and threw in the towel after a decade in the company wrote that he had “An idiotic boss”.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page, the man said that he decided to tender his resignation after 10 years in the company.

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“During this 10 years i did commit a couple of mistakes at work. The problem is that those who is gang (sic) with the boss commit mistake [and] get away scot free”, he wrote, explaining that his boss would apparently always overlook the mistakes of those close to her.

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He went on to say that the mistakes he made were always publicised, emphasised and highlighted to the team and to the whole company. “This is to a point my reputation and personal well being is affected as I always need to look behind my back”, he wrote.

The man said that even during his exit interview, she took the opportunity to remind him of the mistakes he made.

Conventionally, an exit interview has three purposes: to learn where the company can improve itself, to make sure employees leave feeling good about their service and, in some cases, to encourage the employee to stay under new circumstances.

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The man wrote: “Is there karma in the world? Why she have to keep on biting on my shortcomings. I felt terrible and demoralise and internalise that I am simply no good”.

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