Friday, July 26, 2024
HomenewsLocal landlord advertises bomb shelter for rent, $650/month - Singapore News

Local landlord advertises bomb shelter for rent, $650/month – Singapore News

Critics quickly pointed out that the bomb shelter room was far from meeting the standards of a habitable living space

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SINGAPORE: Rising rental fees and soaring property prices have long been a concern in Singapore’s housing market. The latest controversy in this ongoing debate centres around a local landlord who has left Singaporeans in disbelief after advertising a “room” in the form of a bomb shelter storeroom for a hefty monthly sum of $650.

The controversy came to light when a social media user, going by the username Haluha on the Little Red Book platform, shared his interaction with a Singaporean landlord attempting to rent out a room in his apartment. The landlord, seemingly unfazed by the unconventional nature of the offering, presented the bomb shelter as a viable living space option.

According to screenshots of the conversation posted online, the landlord described the unit as conveniently located, close to MRT stations, bus stops, and within walking distance of supermarkets.

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However, the shocker was the pricing structure: the landlord sought a staggering $1,400 monthly rental fee for the master bedroom and a surprising $650 for the windowless bomb shelter, which had limited space, a small bed frame, and a shelf.

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Critics quickly pointed out that the bomb shelter room was far from meeting the standards of a habitable living space. The room’s primary function is to serve as a protective area during emergencies, such as bomb threats or natural disasters, and it is typically designed for storage rather than human habitation.

What added to the incredulity was the landlord’s offer of a $50 discount if the prospective tenant did not declare the bomb shelter room as their address, raising questions about the legality of such an arrangement.

Singaporeans online were swift to express their shock and outrage over the listing. One user commented, “I’m so shocked that a storage room like this costs 650 dollars. It doesn’t even have a mattress. I’m desperate for money, but even if I was given 200 dollars, I wouldn’t live in it. My body would be ruined after moving in.”

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Amidst the growing furore online, many social media users urged the post author to report the landlord to the Housing Development Board (HDB).

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