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Letter to the Editor | What kind of people would dine and dash in our society? – Singapore News

“It is ugly, unacceptable social behaviour not to pay a restaurant’s dining bill.” — Teo Kueh Liang, Letter to the Editor

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Dear Editor,

I am puzzled by The Independent Singapore News: “Repeat offenders: Dine-and-dashers at Prinsep St bar also left an unpaid bill at Taiwanese bistro” (April 19).

It is ugly, unacceptable social behaviour not to pay a restaurant’s dining bill. What kind of state of mind for some people opt for dine and dash in our society?

1) Do the diners dislike the served cuisines? Didn’t they do their homework before patronising the restaurant, eating house or Bistro?

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2) Do the diners disagree with the prices of beverages and foods they ordered? It’s still bounded to their responsibility for not scrutinising the pricing listed on the restaurant’s menu.

3) Don’t diners approach the Bistro’s management to clarify or reason all their doubts, complaints and displeasure before resorting to such irrational, irresponsible behaviour?

Teo Kueh Liang (Mr)

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of The Independent Singapore.

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