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Instant karma for man after crossing red light and confronted driver who honked at him at Rochor Road – Singapore News

It was multiple fails in retaliation for a pedestrian who crossed the street on a red light and got honked at in the process.

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Singapore — A jaywalker who got honked at by an incoming lorry driver expressed his frustration multiple times, such as throwing a cigarette or spitting in the vehicle’s direction before falling to the ground.

It was multiple fails in retaliation for a pedestrian who crossed the street on a red light and got honked at in the process.

Three pedestrians were spotted crossing the street along Rochor Road on a red light on Jan 11.

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The video, which was uploaded by Facebook page SG Road Vigilante – SGRV on Wednesday (Jan 12), showed the group getting upset at an incoming lorry driver who had honked at them for disregarding the law.

One of the men began challenging the driver and was held back by a woman.

Meanwhile, the other man tried throwing a lit cigarette into the lorry – but failed. The cigarette bounced from the lorry and onto his companion’s head.

The same man who threw the cigarette was then seen following the lorry and walking beside it in the middle of the road.

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The man tried spitting in the driver’s direction but also failed before his attempt caused him to fall to the ground.

He “hurled vulgarities and challenged the driver to come down and fight him,” the post noted.

The video ended with the lorry stopping by the side of the road while bystanders watched what was happening. It appears that the vehicle that recorded the incident on the dashboard camera also stopped to assist the lorry driver. /TISG

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