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HomeRelationshipsGirlfriend complains that her boyfriend can't stand it when people are financially...

Girlfriend complains that her boyfriend can't stand it when people are financially more successful, while BF says GF has "princess syndrome" and is spoilt – Singapore News

“I mean there’s more but need I say more? The above 3 got me questioning my whole time wasted”, she wrote

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SINGAPORE: A girlfriend took to social media to list all the red flags she found in her boyfriend and said she made the right decision to leave him.

In an anonymous post to confessions page NUSWhispers, the woman wrote that he was much older than her and they were together for a few years, but “now i am really understanding why he’s been single for all these years”.

“He thinks that accompanying me to the doctor or fetching me from appointments (not nails / lashes) is me having the princess syndrome because his idea is me waiting for him at the pick up point early and when he drives up, I hop in and we go. He said that girls who want guys to wait for them is spoiled and just want to be pampered”, she wrote.

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She added that her boyfriend also did not like it when others were financially more successful than he was.

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“This is kind of absurd to me but he feels very scared that his child may be “wrongly taught” other religion or other religions snatch his child to them. Etc if he is of Y religion he should immediately bring his child up with Y religion or else other religions might “brainwash” his child to be their religion instead”, she wrote adding that her boyfriend only felt that his religion was the correct one.

“I mean there’s more but need I say more? The above 3 got me questioning my whole time wasted”, she wrote in her post.Here’s what others who commented on her post said:

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