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HomeIn the HoodElderly pork seller at Ghim Moh Market found dead at stall -...

Elderly pork seller at Ghim Moh Market found dead at stall – Singapore News

A customer, who was a regular patron of the stall, thought the vendor was in a deep sleep, so he tried calling loudly. However, the elderly man didn’t respond, prodding the customer to run into the stall to check on the vendor’s condition.

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Singapore — A 72-year-old pork seller was found lying on the ground of his stall at Ghim Moh Market. He was later pronounced dead at the scene.

When a customer approached the pork stall at the market on Tuesday (Oct 26), he spotted the elderly vendor on the ground. It was reported that the customer couldn’t wake the man up.

Chinese newspaper Lianhe Wanbao reported that the vendor would often spend the night at his stall for the past five to six years.

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Thus, it was not an unusual sight that he would be found in the same scenario on his stall at the wet market located at 20 Ghin Moh Road.

The customer, who was a regular patron of the stall, thought the vendor was in a deep sleep, so he tried calling loudly.

However, the elderly man didn’t respond, prodding the customer to run into the stall to check on the vendor’s condition.

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The next-door fish stall vendor also rushed to the scene.

When they discovered that the man’s body had stiffened, they immediately alerted the authorities.

Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) paramedics pronounced the man dead at the scene.

A black police vehicle arrived at the market at around 10 am, taking the body away in a body bag.

Police investigations are ongoing. Initial investigations have ruled out foul play as the cause of death.

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Nearby vendors shared with Lianhe Wanbao that the man would spend nights at his stall, waking up early to prepare for the next day’s business.

Earlier this month, the decomposed body of another elderly man was found at Pasir Panjang Wholesale Centre.

A 69-year-old man reportedly died of natural causes at a warehouse unit on Oct 9.

Nearby stallholders detected a foul smell in the area, which was later confirmed to be the man’s body. /TISG

Read related: Corpse of elderly man found at Pasir Panjang Wholesale Centre, death due to natural causes

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