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CSA urges public to make use of anti-virus apps as cyber scams rise – Singapore News

Anti-virus apps are a valuable tool in the fight against cyber scams

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SINGAPORE: With the alarming increase in cyber scams across Singapore, the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) has launched an educational campaign urging the public to take proactive measures by downloading anti-virus applications on their mobile phones to protect themselves from potential threats.

To spread awareness and educate citizens on cyber threats, CSA organized a two-day roadshow at Suntec City. The event featured various games and activities to equip attendees with the knowledge to identify and prevent scams, including installing anti-virus apps.

Minister of Communications and Information Josephine Teo took part in the roadshow and emphasized the importance of regularly updating anti-virus applications to stay ahead of new malware strains. She noted that cyber threats constantly evolve, and new malware can only be detected by updating anti-virus applications.

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The roadshow incorporated innovative augmented reality technology, allowing visitors to experience virtual simulations demonstrating how to thwart online fraudsters effectively. This interactive approach aimed to make cybersecurity education more engaging and practical.

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Despite the emphasis on anti-virus apps, the authorities acknowledged that these tools cannot provide complete immunity against scams and stressed the importance of continued vigilance among the public.

While anti-virus apps are a valuable tool in the fight against cyber scams, staying alert and informed remains essential in safeguarding against evolving threats in the digital age.

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