Wednesday, July 24, 2024
HomenewsCaught on Camera: Resident sweeps trash to neighbour's house on first day...

Caught on Camera: Resident sweeps trash to neighbour's house on first day of Chinese New Year – Singapore News

“What a neighbour, 1st day CNY do something like this 😑…” — Resident

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SINGAPORE — Video footage of a resident sweeping trash over to a neighbour’s house during Chinese New Year has been circulated online, causing Singaporeans to take to the comments with their sentiments on the matter.

On Monday (Jan 23), a netizen shared a video with an online group featuring a resident sweeping rubbish over to the residence of the next-door neighbour with his foot. “What a neighbour,” the post read. “First day of Chinese New Year, (and you) do something like this.”

The video itself had a caption, which read, “Seriously, (on) Chinese New Year you need to do (something like this)? Sweep the trash to your neighbour’s house? Tells how much (of a) person you are sia.”

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The ten-second clip featured a man walking through a hallway, then stopping by a door to seemingly sweep away something on the ground towards the area of his neighbour.

On social media, a few netizens commented on the matter, sharing their thoughts. “Nowadays, people (have) got an education but no morals,” said one. “If he sweeps the trash to your house, you just sweep them into your house. It means all his money will go to you instead of him,” said another.

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One netizen even shared a similar experience. “Same experience,” the person wrote. “My next door (neighbour) would either step on our visitors’ shoes or wipe their shoes on our door mat. We are not even direct(ly) next door, but rather (on the) opposite side. We think they are jealous of us as that old woman (doesn’t) seem to be able to marry off her daughter in her 60s.”

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