Tuesday, July 23, 2024
HomenewsBurger joint owner calls out family of 3 for returning half-eaten burgers...

Burger joint owner calls out family of 3 for returning half-eaten burgers and requesting well-done patties as replacement – Singapore News

The burger joint owner also said the father of that family even returned his burger with less than half left to ask for a new replacement.

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Nothing But Cheeseburgers (NBCB) Singapore owner Tommy Wong recently posted a video urging customers to refrain from “unfair” behaviour towards food and beverage (F&B) establishments after a family returned their half-eaten burgers requesting new ones.

“Basically, every time a customer comes over, my guys are taught to let customers know that our cheeseburgers are cooked to medium, medium-rare,” explained Mr Wong in the video, adding they ensure that the patty’s internal temperature was always safe to eat.

“So, most of the time, the customers find no problem with that.” He added that some customers prefer well-done patties, which the staff can accommodate.

However, a family of three ordered the burgers, and, presuming they were informed by the staff how the burgers are served, they returned their food one by one.

The son came and showed us the half-eaten burger, requesting a well-done patty, said Mr Wong.

They gave the son a new burger, no questions asked.

Soon, the father came over with the same complaint. Mr Wong noted that his burger was even less than half.

“We already do one, might as well do another one,” he said, fulfilling the father’s request for a well-done burger.

Sensing a pattern, the mother eventually asks for a new burger. “Please don’t do this to F&B,” noted the video caption. “It’s very unfair to them.”

Mr Wong explained that the profit margin for establishments in the industry is very low. “If it’s legitimate, ok, I understand.”

“Terrible that this happened to your establishment. It’s sad that they took ur kindness for a ride. Hopefully, this doesn’t happen again,” said TikTok user Alvin Mah in a comment.

Another netizen noted that the family probably didn’t have money to buy a second burger.

Mr Wong noted that money wasn’t an issue. “There are instances of people who came with not enough money, we also just feed them. Genuine cases, we are ok one. It’s the way they did it.”

Other F&B owners shared Mr Wong’s sentiments with such customers, noting that not much can be done.

“Look at the bright side, shows that your burger is nice to eat; otherwise won’t even request for one more,” said TikTok user Chikichiki. /TISG

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