Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Homenews"Barely two bites" — Woman laments over tiny portion of mee hoon...

"Barely two bites" — Woman laments over tiny portion of mee hoon – Singapore News

Another day, another person in Singapore was disappointed with the price and portion size of the meal ordered at one of the country’s many eateries

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SINGAPORE: In a post on the COMPLAINT SINGAPORE Facebook page, Ms Jayden Lim wrote how unhappy she was with the portion of lor mee hoon she got at a stall at the Kampung Admiralty Hawker Centre, which she described as “significantly smaller than expected.”

“The quantity of mee hoon served was so minimal that it barely constituted two bites. This not only left me unsatisfied but also drew attention from other patrons, including the staff at the nearby coffee stall, who expressed astonishment at the portion size and its unappealing presentation,” wrote Ms Lim.

From the photos she posted, it looked like she had very little of the noodle dish after her first bite.

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She added that she understands the pricing of value meals at food and beverage places but added that “the meager portion I received was far from the usual standards I have come to expect.”

Ms Lim ended her post by writing that she believes “that customers should receive a reasonable quantity of food. Such small portions not only affect customer satisfaction but also tarnish the reputation of the hawker centre and its vendors.”

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Commenters on her post appeared to agree with her, and a number of netizens wrote that they had the same experience as Ms Lim. “The portion is miserable,” a woman wrote. “That’s portion for a child not for an adult. Portion getting lesser & the price getting higher,” wrote another. A netizen agreed, writing, “The portion is small till a 2-3 yr old girl can finish 1 portion.”

“Even you add on more mee, the portion does not make any difference. You paid $4 plus but won’t make you full after all. I rather fill my belly with other food options than this stall,” another chimed in. “It’s not like bee Hoon itself is so expensive that giving a bigger portion will eat that much into their bottom line. Meat I understand but seriously being stingy with bee hoon? Why should anyone support this type of business,” a commenter wrote.

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“I only went to try their prawn noodles, soup is nice but not filling. Very tiny portion, I noticed,” a netizen shared. “Many hawker stalls are like this now ..price go up n food lesser..some never go up but food less,” one wrote.

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“That also a reason why alot of local don’t mind the Q to spend $$$ eat at Malaysia. Cheap n good,” a commenter observed. /TISG

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