Wednesday, July 24, 2024
HomenewsAir-cond repairman with no harness risking life, dangling outside 12th storey HDB...

Air-cond repairman with no harness risking life, dangling outside 12th storey HDB flat, sparks concerns online – Singapore News

Despite being 11 or 12 floors above the ground, the man bent over to conduct repairs, placing his full weight on the air compressor without a harness.

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Singapore — An air-cond repairman was spotted positioned dangerously without a harness 12 storeys high at a Housing and Development Board (HDB) flat to conduct repairs. The scene has sparked concerns among the public, noting it was time to replace old HDB designs.

The alarming photos of the incident were shared on the Singapore Home DIY Facebook group, depicting the worker placing his full weight on the air compressor without a harness.

Despite being 11 or 12 floors above the ground, the man bent over to conduct repairs.

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The post, which has since been taken down, got netizens questioning if the few hundred dollars for the task amid such risks were worth it, reported Mothership.

Members from the online community also highlighted in multiple comments that it was time to upgrade HDB flat designs to increase safety.

“If there’s any government body reading my comment, I seriously pray and ask that all old HDB flats must be fixed with aircon balcony. It can be done just like how additional balconies are erected during HIP in some flats,” said Facebook user Linda Ong.

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Netizen Maurice Tan added, “I wonder why during home improvement programme HDB won’t look into such improvement to older HDB. If you install such a heavy galvanized clothes hanger outside, why not look into that.”

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Meanwhile, an air-cond service contractor noted in a comment that a customer once refused a quote for replacing an air conditioning unit using scaffolding.

The contractor said the property was too high up for a ladder; however, the customer refused to pay for the scaffolding.

“Other contractors can do without scaffolding, why you can’t?” the customer allegedly told him, resulting in the contractor rejecting the job due to safety concerns.

“Since everybody knows this job is so dangerous, don’t argue the price when you purchase aircon installing time. I seen a lot owner argue n argue just wan to reduce another $50-$10,” added another netizen. /TISG

Read related: Netizen charged $330 for aircon servicing, asks whether it is reasonable

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