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HomeRelationships23yo university student says he has never dated before - Singapore News

23yo university student says he has never dated before – Singapore News

“… it’s not like I don’t do anything with my life, I have a job, stability. What else am I supposed to have?” he asked

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SINGAPORE: A 23-year-old man took to social media asking for advice because he had never been on a date before. He added that he was about to graduate from University soon yet had never dated.

“I’m just not really sure what to do. I see old friends that have at least been in a relationship once, but here I am”, the man wrote. He said that in his pursuit to find a date, he used dating apps but added that he barely got any matches. “I think people would agree how hard online dating is? Especially if you’re not an extremely good looking person”, the man wrote in his post. However, the man admitted that he was conflicted because he was not sure if it was worth it to pursue relationships because of some things he saw on social media, such as cheating or being used for money.

At the end of his post, the man added: “As for myself. I am a few kilos overweight, a bit nerdy looking and my fashion sense is basic. But it’s not like I don’t do anything with my life, I have a job, stability. What else am I supposed to have?” he asked other netizens for advice.

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One netizen gave him number of tips: “I wish guys work on their charisma more. Read more read Read READ. Watch good movies, listen to proper music. Jazz/classical. It builds an aura. After all the tik tok and YouTube rubbish, these are still the things that settles one’s mind and gives a person a more interesting and attractive character. Able to have a proper and interesting conversation about at least a couple of topics. And not draw a blank with everything. super turn off”.

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Another commentator also added: “Be yourself. Don’t change on your good traits but build on your confidence and personality. PS: Don’t jump into the pool just because everyone do so while you doesn’t know how to swim. Do it when you are comfortable. Good luck”.

Earlier this month, an NUS student in his final year of university took to social media saying that he was ashamed he had never dated anyone before. “I envy people who couple up easily. I would like to think I’m decent looking and have an ok personality. I just never thought of dating until recent months,” he wrote in an anonymous post to popular confessions page NUSWhispers. He added that most women around him have friend-zoned him long ago, and wanted to know how he could put himself out there for a start.

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